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Implementing conditional execution of Jenkins pipeline stages based on the 'choice' parameter

 pipeline {
  parameters {
choice choices: ['ME', 'FC', 'ME_and_FC'], description: 'Pick Something', name: 'Build_type'
  agent {
        label 'Slave_APP_Train_32'
        customWorkspace 'App_WS'
stages {
    stage('FC') { steps {echo "D6-EPS EXECUTED"}}
    stage('FC') { steps {echo "D6-EPS EXECUTED"}}
    stage('FC') { steps {echo "D6-EPS EXECUTED"}}
          parallel {
            stage('ME') {
                stages {
                    stage('D6 SRA') { steps {echo "D6-EPS EXECUTED"}}
            stage('ME') {
                stages {
                    stage('D6 EPS') { steps {echo "D6-EPS EXECUTED"}}
            stage('ME') {
                stages {
                    stage('C3 EPS') { steps {echo "D6-EPS EXECUTED"}}

Need some conditional statement to call the ME and FC stages ,so that it runs based on the choices given in the choice parameter

This my script, i am not sure how to call the choice parameter with if condition Say for FC all the FC stages should run , for ME all the ME stages should run

I tried by calling with this command if(${params.Build_type=='ME'}||${params.Build_type=='ME_and_FC'})
 [ERROR]( it shows like not a valid syntax 

Can someone help me to figure it out`


  • you can use the when block for this see Pipeline Syntax.


    stage('FC') {
       when { expression { return params.Build_type == 'FC' } }
       steps {
          echo "D6-EPS EXECUTED"}