I am trying to replace API Data with "All" in Emp_Id field in data in json. And then make rows with every data of API.
API DATA: I have stored this data in "Response" attribute in ExtractText in Apache Nifi.
//This API data is more, I have taken only 6 for reference but in real its almost 500-600
//(ignore 0 and 1 that is not required).
Expected Result
This is tried in ecmaScript but I want it to be in groovy because these functions are not working in executeScript of NIFI and giving error."java.lang.assertionError: geberating bytecode". Or if any other approach for converting this data.
const response = {
"status": "success",
"data": [[123, 0], [124, 0], [446, 0], [617, 1], [620, 0], [470 ,1]]
const template = {
"Emp_Id": "All",
"Emp_loc": 523,
"Emp_dept": "Management",
"Emp_sub_dept": "Finance",
"Emp_dept": "Accountant"
const result = response.data.map(([id]) =>
Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(template).map(([k, v]) =>
[k, v === "All" ? id : v]
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
def response = [
"status": "success",
"data": [[123, 0], [124, 0], [446, 0], [617, 1], [620, 0], [470 ,1]]
def template = [
"Emp_Id": "All",
"Emp_loc": 523,
"Emp_dept": "Management",
"Emp_sub_dept": "Finance",
"Emp_dept": "Accountant"
def result = response.data.collect{ i ->
template.collectEntries{ k,v ->
[k, v=="All" ? i[0] : v]
println new JsonBuilder(result).toPrettyString()