I am trying to use f-string within a list. I have created a new line variable. Standard variables work fine but the new line variable does not
NL = '\n'
var = 'xyz'
lst = []
print(f'test{NL}new line')
lst.append(f"first line var is {var}{NL}a second line {NL}")
lst.append(f"third line{NL}forth line var is {var}")
creates the output
new line
['first line var is xyz\na second line \n', 'third line\nforth line var is xyz']
How can I do this?
It's working fine
When a list is printed, strings in the list are shown raw, not printed. If you print the strings one by one, you will see that they print as expected:
NL = '\n'
var = 'xyz'
lst = []
print(f'test{NL}new line')
lst.append(f"first line var is {var}{NL}a second line {NL}")
lst.append(f"third line{NL}forth line var is {var}")
for s in lst:
new line
first line var is xyz
a second line
third line
forth line var is xyz