I have windows 11 and I have installed latest LTS version of node.js. I was trying to create next app. I installed yarn and created next app by "yarn create next-app" command. I named the folder "Panda" and inside that folder when I am running "yarn run dev", I am getting an error saying "using wasm build of next-swc command failed with exit code 1".
I am attaching the screenshot of the error as well.
I tried creating a ".babelrc" and wrote
"presets": ["next/babel"]
as instructed on this page.
I tried reinstalling node.js and somehow previously x86 architecture was installed but now I have x64. And now while running "yarn run dev" I am getting: enter image description here
I just reinstalled node.js and then reinstalled yarn by running "yarn upgrade next", as I saw later that somehow x84 structure of node.js was installed.