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How to implement the hash method in a protobuf message?

I made a Message.proto file and compiled it to generate python file, named message_pb2. Then in a scenario, I wanted to put my message objects into a set, in order to make them unique. But the __hash__ function of protobuf message raise a TypeError, then I think I can implement and override this function in my code.

I made a new class that inherits message_pb2.Message(), but when running code, I got another error:


Now I don't have any other idea!


  • I made some changes and use below code, and it worked:

    import hashlib
    from myproto_pb2 import MyMessage  # Import your generated protobuf message class
    class HashableMessage:
        def __init__(self, message):
            self._message = message
        def __hash__(self):
            # Define the fields to include in the hash calculation
            fields_to_hash = [self._message.field1, self._message.field2, self._message.field3]
            # Convert the field values to bytes and concatenate them
            data = b"".join(str(field).encode() for field in fields_to_hash)
            # Calculate the hash value using SHA-256
            hash_value = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
            return int(hash_value, 16)  # Convert the hex hash to an integer
        def __eq__(self, other):
            return isinstance(other, HashableMessage) and self._message == other._message
    # Create a set to store protobuf messages
    message_set = set()
    # Create an instance of the protobuf message
    protobuf_message1 = MyMessage()
    protobuf_message1.field1 = "value1"
    protobuf_message1.field2 = 42
    protobuf_message1.field3 = True