I am aware that there are likely more succint ways to get this information but this is part of a practical for uni and I have to use the function and loop.
Here I set up my data frame from the dataset after loading it in:
WorldPhones <- datasets::WorldPhones
WorldPhones_df <- as.data.frame(WorldPhones)
WorldPhones_df <- WorldPhones_df %>%
mutate(Year = rownames(WorldPhones_df))
WorldPhones_df <- WorldPhones_df %>%
gather(key = "Region", value = "Phones", 1:7)
WPSumByYear <- WorldPhones_df %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarise(sum(Phones))
Up until here all is going well, but I am struggling to get it into a for loop that also uses the mutate function to measure the growth by year.
What I tried:
growths <- c(0)
for (i in 2:length(sa_df$Year)){
growth <- (WPSumByYear$Phones[i-1]- WPSumByYear$Phones[i])
growths <- c(growths, growth)
Any advice appreciated!
Are you just looking for lag
WPSumByYear <- WorldPhones_df %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarise(Phones = sum(Phones))
WPSumByYear |>
mutate(growth = Phones - lag(Phones))
#> # A tibble: 7 x 3
#> Year Phones growth
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1951 74494 NA
#> 2 1956 102199 27705
#> 3 1957 110001 7802
#> 4 1958 118399 8398
#> 5 1959 124801 6402
#> 6 1960 133709 8908
#> 7 1961 141700 7991