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In QML, I cannot get a shortcut for a CheckBox

In the following QML menu, I can get the shortcut for "File" and "New", but not for "Auto Save":

menuBar: MenuBar {
    Menu {
        title: qsTr("&File")
        Action { text: qsTr("&New...") }
        CheckBox {
           id: autoSaveButton
           checked: true
           text: qsTr("&Auto Save")
           action: autoSaveAction

Is the reason the fact that a CheckBox behaves differently from an Action?

I tried to move the CheckBox out of the menu, on the toolbar, with no improvement.

Qt version: 6.4


  • No need for a CheckBox you can use an Action or a MenuItem and set the checkable property to true. A bit strange is that I needed to toggle the checked property manually in the onToggled or onTriggered handler, otherwise the checked of both MenuItem and Action wouldn't change automatically when using the shortcut even though toggled and triggered are called. But it does when clicking on the menu item.

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("&File")
            Action { text: qsTr("&New...") }
            Action {
                id: autoSaveAction
                checkable: true
                checked: true
                text: qsTr("&Auto Save")
                onToggled: autoSaveAction.checked = !autoSaveAction.checked

    This is probably due to the fact that you would set a setting via the toggle signal and bind that setting to the checked property of the MenuItem/Action as it could be changed from somewhere else instead of binding to the checked state of a MenuItem/Action. Something like that:

    ApplicationWindow {
        id: window
        width: 320
        height: 260
        visible: true
        property bool autoSave: true
        menuBar: MenuBar {
            Menu {
                title: qsTr("&File")
                Action { text: qsTr("&New...") }
                Action {
                    id: autoSaveAction
                    checkable: true
                    checked: window.autoSave
                    text: qsTr("&Auto Save")
                    onToggled: window.autoSave = !window.autoSave