I am trying to build a small library for representing typed paths. I have a reduced version below to try to express the concept of what I want.
Is there a way to get make
not emit errors?
package bar
object XX {
trait SegmentDecoder[A] {
self =>
def decode(segment: String): Either[String, A]
final def map[B](f: A => B): SegmentDecoder[B] = (s) => self.decode(s).map(f)
final def flatMap[B](f: A => SegmentDecoder[B]): SegmentDecoder[B] = (s) => self.decode(s).flatMap(a => f(a).decode(s))
object SegmentDecoder {
given SegmentDecoder[Int] = (seg) => seg.toIntOption.toRight(s"'$seg' is not a valid int")
given SegmentDecoder[Long] = (seg) => seg.toLongOption.toRight(s"'$seg' is not a valid long")
given SegmentDecoder[String] = (seg) => Right(seg)
given SegmentDecoder[Unit] = (_) => Right(())
case class Param[A](name: String, converter: SegmentDecoder[A])
def param[A](name: String)(using S: SegmentDecoder[A]) = Param(name, S)
enum P[A <: Tuple] {
def /(segment: String) = Static(this, segment)
def /[A](param: Param[A]) = Variable(this, param.name, param.converter)
case Root extends P[EmptyTuple]
case Static[T <: Tuple](parent: P[T], name: String) extends P[T]
case Variable[H, T <: Tuple](parent: P[T], name: String, decoder: SegmentDecoder[H]) extends P[Tuple.Append[T, H]]
type Elem[X <: Tuple] = X match {
case EmptyTuple => P.Root.type
case String *: xs => P.Static[xs]
case Param[y] *: xs => P.Variable[y, xs]
def makeBroken[T <: Tuple](t: T): Elem[T] = {
t match {
case _: EmptyTuple => P.Root
case (x *: xx): (String *: xs) => P.Static(makeBroken[xs](xx).asInstanceOf[P[xs]], x)
case (x *: xx): (Param[t] *: xs) => P.Variable(makeBroken[xs](xx).asInstanceOf[P[xs]], x.name, x.converter)
def make[T <: Tuple](t: T): P[T] = {
t match {
case _: EmptyTuple => P.Root.asInstanceOf[P[T]]
case (x: String) *: xx => P.Static(make(xx).asInstanceOf[P[xx.type]], x).asInstanceOf[P[T]]
case (x: Param[a]) *: xx => P.Variable(make(xx).asInstanceOf[P[xx.type]], x.name, x.converter).asInstanceOf[P[T]]
object Main {
import XX.*
val link1 = make("foo", param[Int]("bar"), param[String]("bar"))
val link2 = P.Root / "foo" / param[Int]("bar") / param[String]("bar"))
//val link3 = makeBroken("foo", param[Int]("bar"), param[String]("bar")) //fails runtime with class cast exception
and makeBroken
causes a warning
XX.scala:50:5: match may not be exhaustive.
It would fail on pattern case: _: *:[Any,Tuple]
XX.scala:58:5: match may not be exhaustive.
It would fail on pattern case: *:(_, _)
Compiling your code with the version 3.2.2 of the Scala compiler, I get the following additional warning:
-- Unchecked Warning: /Users/mbovel/scala-snippets-2/so76236049.scala:50:11 -------
50 | case (x *: xx): (String *: xs) => P.Static(makeBroken[xs](xx).asInstanceOf[P[xs]], x)
| ^
|the type test for (String *: xs) @xs cannot be checked at runtime because its type arguments can't be determined from T
This explains the exception you get: the compiler cannot check the type (String *: xs)
at runtime. In general, due to type erasure, runtime type checking in Scala can't distinguish between parameterized types. Therefore, the compiler generates code that only checks that t
is a tuple and then directly casts t.head
to String
without checking that this is the case. You can see it by printing the generated code for example with scala -Xprint:genBCode so76236049.scala
def makeBroken(t: Product): Object =
case val x14: Product = t
if x14.eq(EmptyTuple) then
return[matchResult11] XX$P#Root
else ()
if scala.runtime.Tuples.isInstanceOfNonEmptyTuple(x14) then
case val x20: Tuple2 = *:.unapply(x14:Product)
case val x: String = x20._1().asInstanceOf[String]
Your best bet to avoid this shortcoming and still have your makeBroken
method type-check as Elem[T]
is to split your match type and your term-level match in two levels:
type Elem[X <: Tuple] = X match {
case EmptyTuple => P.Root.type
case x *: xs =>
x match {
case String => P.Static[xs]
case Param[y] => P.Variable[y, xs]
def makeUnbroken[T <: Tuple](t: T): Elem[T] = {
t match {
case _: EmptyTuple => P.Root
case t: (x *: xs) =>
t.head match {
case head: String => P.Static(makeUnbroken[xs](t.tail).asInstanceOf[P[xs]], head)
case head: Param[t] => P.Variable(make(t.tail).asInstanceOf[P[xs]], head.name, head.converter)