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DocuSign automatic reminders for signing the template using PHP and Laravel API

How can I write PHP code to set DocuSign automatic reminders for signing the template using PHP and Laravel API


  • Yes, you can do this using PHP talks about it in detail, an example PHP code for this is:

    $envelopeDefinition = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\EnvelopeDefinition();
    $notification = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Notification();
    $notification->setUseAccountDefaults('false'); # customize the notification for this envelope
    $reminders = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Reminders();
    $reminders->setReminderDelay('3');  # first reminder to be sent three days after envelope was sent
    $reminders->setReminderFrequency('2'); # keep sending reminders every two days
    $expirations = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Expirations();
    $expirations->setExpireAfter('30');  # envelope will expire after 30 days
    $expirations->setExpireWarn('2');  # expiration reminder would be sent two days before expiration