Entire code goes white after I cast an interface like
let object : someInterface = <someInterface> someUnknownHapiRequestPayload
Already tried common things like: update VS22, restore defaults, change text editor and theme settings, recreate the project and other basic things like that
Also, if someone knows how can I cast an unknown type data (that is already validated to my interface schema) to assert its type and instance a new object in a way I can acess its properties like:
object.someInterfacePropertie = someFunction(object.someInterfacePropertie)
This also would be appreciated and possibly solve my problem. I'm new to typescript. Thank you
I was able to bypass it by casting my interface in an alternative way:
let object: someInterface = someUnknownHapiRequestPayload as someInterface
This way it won't bug the text editor. But still, the first one being a valid way, I will report this as a problem for Microsoft.
Seems like there was already an issue reported, and Microsoft fixed it. It will be released in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6 preview 4.
More info on that here: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/TypeScript-Syntax-Highlight-Broken/10274299