I'm writing a NetLogo code to simulate the movement of passengers in an room.
I have defined a list of exits exits-list
as a list of patches, and I'm trying to access the x and y coordinates of each patch in exits-list
to calculate the distance between the passenger's current position and each exit. However, when I try to access the x and y coordinates of each patch using the syntax [patch-xcor] of patch
and [patch-ycor] of patch
, I get an error that says :
expected a literal value
in "let exit-patch [patch-xcor item 0 ?, patch-ycor item 1 ?]"
How can I solve this problem and correctly access the x and y coordinates of each patch in exits-list
to initialize-exits
set exit1 patch 64 -13
set exit2 patch 13 -54
set exits-list (list exit1 exit2)
to initialize-passengers
create-passengers passenger-count [
set shape "person business"
set size 2
set color yellow
set in-seat? true
set safe? false
set dead? false
set panic? false
set current-heading 0
set target-exit nobody
set my-exits-list []
choose-exit patch-here ; Add this line to set the initial target-exit
ask passengers [
let target one-of patches with [accessible?]
face target
move-to target
to choose-exit [current-position]
let possible-exits []
let shortest-distance 10000
let nearest-exit nobody
foreach exits-list [
let exit-patch [patch-xcor item 0 ?, patch-ycor item 1 ?]
let distance distance current-position exit-patch
if distance < shortest-distance [
set shortest-distance distance
set nearest-exit exit-patch
set possible-exits []
if distance = shortest-distance [
set possible-exits lput exit-patch possible-exits
if possible-exits is-empty [
print "No exits found."
let lucky-exit one-of possible-exits
set target-exit lucky-exit
set my-exits-list lput lucky-exit my-exits-list
Q : "How can I solve this problem and correctly access the x and y coordinates of each patch in
Patches own (have) properties names pxcor
and pycor
Your code shall also never overshadow a programming language "reserved" words
( a distance
being one of such case ) by using them as user-defined variable or property names.
like here :
let distance distance current-position exit-patch
Error messages are mouse-click&drag select-able plus on mouse-RightClick one can copy the selected text :
like this :
observer> let exit2 patch 13 -54
ERROR: Nothing named EXIT1 has been defined.
Syntax highlighting and [ Check ]-outputs are not GUI-friendly inside the IDE, yet they serve as an immediate interactive tool to get the errors removed by repair.
This mind-map of most & less often syntax-constructors might help: