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Github Actions Go lambda project different sha256sums

I have Golang aws lambda project. I deploy it on github actinos using terraform scripts. I have situation like: Build #1

-rwxr-xr-x  1 runner docker 14717304 Jan  1  2022 aTest
-rw-r--r--  1 runner docker  7776780 Jan  1  2022

I do 1 change in some file that is even not imported in any other file and Build #2

-rwxr-xr-x  1 runner docker 14717304 Jan  1  2022 aTest
-rw-r--r--  1 runner docker  7776755 Jan  1  2022

zips sizes are changed but binary not

here is important part of my Makefile

build: ## Build Linux binary with path consistent with passed functionction layere (layer) and functionction name (function)
build: resolve-env
    @touch -t 202201010000.00 ${BINARY_PATH}

.PHONY: package
package: build
    @cd ${DST} && ${ZIPCMD} -X -q --latest-time ${ABS_ZIP_PATH} ${function}
    @touch -t 202201010000.00 ${ABS_ZIP_PATH}

when I do the same change locally, and run build using terraform or tool called: "act" there is no such change.. only on github actions. I need to keep the same size, which affects sha256sum ( to avoid deploying each lambda ). What can be the reason ?


  • This answer focuses on the reproducible build of the go binaries.

    Though it shows that the go binaries have the same size, I doubt that the contents are different. Please check the hash of binaries to confirm that first.

    To get a reproducible build, besides other obvious requirements, you also need to:

    1. ensure that the cgo build is reproducible (toolchain, dependencies, etc), or disable cgo. You have set CGO_ENABLED=0 already (this information is provided by another question which has already been deleted).
    2. use the -trimpath flag. Maybe the GitHub action will always place the source code in the same directory. To be safe, let's specify this option.
    3. set -buildvcs=false. By default ("auto"), version control information is stamped into the binary if it's available. This explains why two commits with only difference in the readme file produce different binaries.
