I tried to call api using dio then I met this error.
` Future _getHomeData() async { try { var homeDataResponse = await HomeService().getHomeData();
final classList = (homeDataResponse.data['classes']) as List;
classes = classList.map((i) => ClassModel.fromJson(i)).toList();
.writeSecureData(StorageItem("user_classes", jsonEncode(classes)));
final examList = (homeDataResponse.data['exams']) as List;
exams = examList.map((i) => Exam.fromJson(i)).toList();
.writeSecureData(StorageItem("user_exams", jsonEncode(exams)));
final taskList = (homeDataResponse.data['tasks']) as List;
tasks = taskList.map((i) => Task.fromJson(i)).toList();
.writeSecureData(StorageItem("user_tasks", jsonEncode(exams)));
// for (var subject in subjects) {
// print("SUBJECtS ${subject.subjectName}");
// }
} catch (error) {
if (error is DioError) {
throw Result.error(error.response?.data['message']);
} else {
throw Result.error(error.toString());
} `
Since you wrote as a comment that you use version 4.0.6, I can inform you that version had a known issue. It is solved in a later version, so update to at least 5.0 of dio and all will be good.
You can read about the issue here and read about it's fix here.