I am trying to stop ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded
error from showing up on my development enviornment of my react application.
The error is benign
How can I get React to stop showing this in my application when in development? It does not show up in production builds.
I have tried adding this code to the top-level of my application at index.tsx
window.addEventListener('error', event => {
if (event.message.includes('ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded')) {
The console.log(event.message)
is being executed and the error name that it outputs is correct. But the react overlay error still appears.
If you are using webpack, you can configure it not to show overlay on this error. To do this you can add in field: "client", which is inside field "devServer", this config:
overlay: {
runtimeErrors: (error) => {
if (error.message === "ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded") {
return false;
return true;
Here's the docs about it: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#overlay .