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Disconnecting socketio from client

I am trying to build a tool which start/stops a chart display. On the client side it is displaying the chart correct, but when I click stop button, the server side function def start_chart() doesn't stop running. I tried setting up a global variable stop_flag to break the loop, but it is not updating itself. I haven't used flask or sockets before, so not able to come up with a solution. Any help would be appreciated.

def start_chart():
    chart_data = []
    stop_flag = False
    last_emitted_index = 0  # Keep track of the last emitted data index

    for i, row in data.iterrows():
        if stop_flag:
        timestamp = row['timestamp']
        datapoint = row['datapoint']
        if timestamp == 0:
            continue  # Skip zero timestamp
        chart_data.append({'timestamp': timestamp, 'datapoint': datapoint})
        if i > last_emitted_index:
            emit('update_chart', {'chart_data': chart_data})
            last_emitted_index = i
        socketio.sleep(1)  # Emit new data every second
    print("Loop Ended")

def stop_chart():
    global stop_flag
    stop_flag = True


    <button id="start-btn" onclick="startChart()">Start</button>
    <button id="stop-btn" onclick="stopChart()">Stop</button>
// Start the chart
    function startChart() {
        if (!isChartRunning) {
            isChartRunning = true;

    // Stop the chart
    function stopChart() {
        isChartRunning = false;


  • The variable stop_flag is not global in your function start_chat(). Put the 'global stop_flag' before 'stop_flag = False'.