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How can I get the value on a position from a JSON Response on Android Studio?

I want to get the value of a specific object from this response, but I still don't understand at all the rules of the hierarchy.

The values I want are :

"F0092_AN8": 258523


"records": 1

This is the Json body that I'm working:

  "ServiceRequest1": {
    "fs_DATABROWSE_F0092": {
      "title": "Data Browser - F0092 [Library Lists - User]",
      "data": {
        "gridData": {
          "id": 52,
          "fullGridId": "52",
          "columns": {
            "F0092_AN8": "Address Number"
          "rowset": [
              "F0092_AN8": 258523
          "summary": {
            "records": 1,
            "moreRecords": false
      "errors": [],
      "warnings": []
    "currentApp": "DATABROWSE_F0092",
    "timeStamp": "2023-05-16:16.05.23",
    "sysErrors": []

I try to use this code on the response but can't reach the objects, and gives me an error:

JsonObjectRequest objectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.POST, Url.ROOT_URL, obj,
                new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
                    public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
                        Log.d("JSON response -->", response.toString());
                        try {
                            if (response.getJSONObject("fs_DATABROWSE_F0092").has("F0092_AN8")) {

Hope you guys can help me. Thx!


  • The JSON has hierarchical structure, so you should deep down to the tree step-by-step:


    JSONArray rowset = response.getJSONObject("ServiceRequest1")
    JSONObject row = rowset.getJSONObject(0);

    Now, row contains

       "F0092_AN8": 258523
    1. Similarly, for records count:
    JSONObject summary = response.getJSONObject("ServiceRequest1")
    int count = summary.getInt("records");
    1. Of courde, you should check if any key exists and handle its absense in appropriate way.