I want to classify a database in excel using Python (Pandas or Openpyxl), where I have the name of the supplier in the 1st column and I want to fill in the type in the 2nd column. But I need to identify the supplier as a string (because the cells of the suppliers may vary). How can I do it?
I thought that this could work, but it's adding "SHOPEE" (example) for all the lines:
x = [table.loc[:,"supplier"].str.contains("SHOPEE")]
for x in table:
table["TYPE"] = "SHOPEE"
try to use this as a template, make changes wherever you need
import pandas as pd
# Load the Excel file into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_excel('your_file.xlsx')
# Define a dictionary to map suppliers to their corresponding types
supplier_types = {
'SHOPEE': 'Type 1',
'SUPPLIER2': 'Type 2',
'SUPPLIER3': 'Type 3',
# Add more mappings as needed
# Iterate over the rows of the DataFrame
for index, row in df.iterrows():
supplier = str(row['supplier']) # Convert supplier to a string
for key, value in supplier_types.items():
if key in supplier:
df.at[index, 'TYPE'] = value # Assign the corresponding type
# Display the updated DataFrame