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Clojure how to return all vectors in the list

my function returns some vectors inside list and I need to escape from that list and return vectors.

My main function works like that and return vector inside list.

(defn destruct-cart-items [my-cart]
  (for [[user product stock-amount] my-cart]
    [:tr [:td user] [:td product] [:td stock-amount]]
([:tr [:td "bar"] [:td "mammut"] [:td 1]]
 [:tr [:td "bar"] [:td "mammut"] [:td 1]]
 [:tr [:td "bar"] [:td "mammut"] [:td 1]]
 [:tr [:td "bar"] [:td "mammut"] [:td 1]])

I need return vectors like that--->

 [:tr [:td "bar"] [:td "mammut"] [:td 1]]
 [:tr [:td "bar"] [:td "mammut"] [:td 1]]
 [:tr [:td "bar"] [:td "mammut"] [:td 1]]
 [:tr [:td "bar"] [:td "mammut"] [:td 1]]

How can I do that in different ways?

Why I need like that

(clerk/html [:table
             [:tr [:th "User"] [:th "Product"] [:th "Stock Amount"]]
             (destruct-cart-items @!my-cart)])

I will use returned data inside the HTML element.


  • You can also use unquote-splicing:

    (clerk/html `[:table
                   [:th "User"] 
                   [:th "Product"] 
                   [:th "Stock Amount"]]
                  ~@(destruct-cart-items @!my-cart)])