I have a program that runs fine in SQL 2019 but throws an error when I try to run it in another environment in SQL 2016.
The column where the error is thrown is the amount column.
When the amount column value has a decimal point, this throws an error in the SQL 2016 environment: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Error converting data type varchar to numeric
Changing from double to decimal does not help. Removing the single quotes brings another error: There are fewer columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause
What do I need to do to fix this?
if (rsCD.RecordCount > 0)
docNum = rsCD.Fields.Item("DocNum").Value;
subFileNo = rsCD.Fields.Item("Project").Value;
containerSize = rsCD.Fields.Item("U_DCC_CNTS").Value;
hawb = rsCD.Fields.Item("NumAtCard").Value;
serviceMode = "Clearing";
weight = (double)rsCD.Fields.Item("Quantity").Value;
noOfPackages = Convert.ToInt32(rsCD.Fields.Item("FreeTxt").Value);
cardCode = rsCD.Fields.Item("CardCode").Value;
cardName = rsCD.Fields.Item("CardName").Value;
amount = (double)rsCD.Fields.Item("DocTotalFC").Value;
contactNo = rsCD.Fields.Item("Phone1").Value;
location = "NAI-FUNZI";
rcvdBy = rsCD.Fields.Item("U_RcvdBy").Value;
#region Insert into FMS2 Cargo details table
// Check if entry already exists
SAPbobsCOM.Recordset rsExists = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
rsExists.DoQuery("SELECT T0.\"Code\" FROM \"@FMS2\" T0 WHERE T0.\"Code\" = '" + hawb + "'");
if (rsExists.RecordCount == 0)
SAPbobsCOM.Recordset rsFMS2 = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
rsFMS2.DoQuery("INSERT INTO [dbo].[@FMS2] " +
"(Code, " +
"Name, " +
"U_SubFileNo, " +
"U_ContainerSz, " +
"U_AWB, " +
"U_ServiceMode, " +
"U_Weight, " +
"U_NoOfPackages, " +
"U_CardCode, " +
"U_CardName, " +
"U_Consignee, " +
"U_Amount, " +
"U_Contact, " +
"U_Location, " +
"U_QuotationNo," +
"U_RcvdBy) " +
"values ('" + hawb + "', " +
"'" + hawb + "'," +
"'" + subFileNo + "', " +
"'" + containerSize + "', " +
"'" + hawb + "', " +
"'" + serviceMode + "', " +
"'" + weight + "', " +
"'" + noOfPackages + "', " +
"'" + cardCode + "', " +
"'" + cardName + "', " +
"'" + consigneeName + "', " +
"'" + amount + "', " + // -< Error thrown here
"'" + contactNo + "', " +
"'" + location + "', " +
"'" + docNum + "', " +
"'" + rcvdBy + "')");
ErrorLog.LoggerExceptionInfo(new Exception("FMS2 Cargo details HAWB inserted: " + hawb + Environment.NewLine));
Building SQL using string concatenation is just wrong. Use parameterized queries.
That being said, I am guessing from the comments that your application uses a culture that uses ,
as decimal separator:
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-FR");
double amount = 563.39;
Console.WriteLine("SELECT CAST('" + 563.39 + "' AS NUMERIC(19, 6))");
// SELECT CAST('563,39' AS NUMERIC(19, 6))
// ----------------^
The above query will produce the "Error converting data type varchar to numeric" error. Various workarounds are possible but I would suggest:
Console.WriteLine("SELECT CAST('" + (563.39).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "' AS NUMERIC(19, 6))");
// SELECT CAST('563.39' AS NUMERIC(19, 6))