I have a script that retrieves information relating to the files within a given folder path, and then passes those values via the SQLPS module and the SQL INSERT INTO
command to populate my database table.
That works fine except for a few occasions where the file or folder path include an apostophe.
The relevant block of code is
$filelist = Get-ChildItem -Path $localPath -Recurse | Where-Object {!($_.PSIsContainer)} | Select DirectoryName, Name, Length, LastWriteTime
ForEach ($file in $filelist)
# Retrieve all values into variables. Value passed to the insert statement needs to be within single quotes, so escaping them out here so they're included later.
$insFolder = "`'$($file.DirectoryName)`'"
$insFile = "`'$($file.Name)`'"
$insLength = "`'$($file.Length)`'"
$insLastWrite = "`'$($file.LastWriteTime)`'"
write-host "$insFolder`n$insFile`n$insLength`n$insLastWrite`n---"
# Generate the SQL insert statement using the values above
$sqlCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [$dbCompare].[dbo].[PathA] (FilePath,FileName,FileLength,LastWriteTime) VALUES ($insFolder,$insFile,$insLength,$insLastWrite)"
# Execute the SQL command while also incrementing the row count for use later
$PathArowCount = $PathArowCount + $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
write-output "$(Get-Date) - $PathArowCount rows (eg files found) inserted into table PathA"
Where as you can see I'm already setting the input values $insFolder
, $insFile
, $insLength
and $insLastWrite
that are passed to the SQL command to include single quotes since that's expected by SQL.
My problem is where a file/folder name includes an apostrophe/single quote, for instance :
c:\Myfiles\Keith's Document.docx
I get the following error from the $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
line :
Exception calling "ExecuteNonQuery" with "0" argument(s): Incorrect syntax near 's'.
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string')'."
The Write-Host
line shows me that at that point $insFile
does correctly contain the entire string as expected with single quotes at either end, eg :
'Keith's Document.docx'
But from the error SQL is presumably seeing the value passed to it as
and then erroring by the unexpected argument :
s Document.docx'
I obviously need to find and Escape out that character where relevant, and I've tried various combinations for instance
$insFile = "`'$($file.Name).Replace("`'","\`'")`'"
where I'm escaping the single quotes within the comparison values with backticks, and trying to add a \
to the backtick to escape that character when it reaches SQL, but every combination I've tried throws a Powershell error so I'm unsure what the magic combination is.
It is always preferable to use a parameterized query rather than string interpolation, both to avoid quoting headaches and, more importantly, to eliminate any possibility of a SQL injection attack.
.If you do want to stick with string interpolation, you must escape value-internal '
as ''
$insFile = "'$($file.Name -replace "'", "''")'"
# Alternative:
$insFile = "'{0}'" -f ($file.Name -replace "'", "''")
The PowerShell perspective with respect to string literals:
Inside "..."
- expandable (interpolating) strings - '
chars. do not require escaping and can be used as-is.
Inside '...'
- verbatim strings - embedded '
chars., must be escaped as ''
- however, such strings are not involved here; see below.
The T-SQL perspective (where string literals are called character string constants):
strings embedded in a query strings happen to also require escaping string-internal '
as ''
literals aren't supported by default, and neither form is interpolating)