I am developing 2 apps (App1 and App2). In App1, I have a button to record screen.
Now my question is, is there any way to tap or run the screen recording options in App1 remotely when I tap on a button in App2 ?
I have no idea how to implement this. Need guidance.
There are numerous ways to do this, but some may be more complicated than others.
I assume you are using something like flutter_screen_recording
to start the recording on either of the apps.
The easiest would be to create a web server locally on both where one sends the record command while the other listens for it and responds to the other to stop. This would be done through a plugin which starts a background process like workmanager
and using localhost. Starting a server on localhost would look like this:
var server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 8080);
You could use a common database to indicate changes. Hive
works well. Then check on the other side for changes using a timer.
main() {
const checkDelay= Duration(milliseconds: 300);
Timer.periodic(checkDelay, (Timer t) => check());