If I am a member of an AD group that has an AD role defined and connect/select privileges on a Postgres DB, how can I use SQL Alchemy to connect to the DB with my username/pass?
If I just give my username/password, it tells me:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "<user>"
How can I tell it to use AAD for authentication?
FATAL: password authentication failed for user ""
I tried to log in to the database with incorrect DB
admin credentials in Python
, but I encountered the same result.
In order to authenticate with Azure AD
credentials, you need to use an access token.
I have followed this MS Doc1 & MS Doc 2 to connect PostgreSQL
with Azure AD
When connecting, it's best to use the access token as the PostgreSQL user password.
Here is the command to get the access token.
az account get-access-token --resource https://ossrdbms-aad.database.windows.net
Install the module using the command below before running the Python
pip install sqlalchemy psycopg2
Python code to connect PostgreSQL
import psycopg2
host = 'sampledatabase.postgres.database.azure.com'
dbname = 'postgres'
user = 'user.com'
password = 'Accesstoken'
sslmode = 'require'
conn_string = "host={0} user={1} dbname={2} password={3} sslmode={4}".format(host, user, dbname, password, sslmode)
conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)
print("Connection established")