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How to reorganize objects by same value?

I have 3 objects

{name: 3, q: 10, b: 1},
{name: 5, q: 6, b: 2},
{name: 5, q: 7, b: 1}

I need to group them by name:

{name: 3: items: [{q:10, b: 1}]},
{name: 5: items: [{q:6, b: 2}, {q:7, b: 1}]},

maybe there are any delicate solutions with lodash?


  • You dont need lodash, you can just use JavaScript

    const inputArray = [
      {name: 3, q: 10, b: 1},
      {name: 5, q: 6, b: 2},
      {name: 5, q: 7, b: 1}

    using forEach

    function groupItemsByName(array) {
      // create a groups to store your new items
      const groups = {};
      //loop through your array
      array.forEach(obj => {
        // destructure each object into name and the rest 
        const { name, } = obj;
        // if the named group doesnt exist create that name with an empty array
        if (!groups[name]) {
          groups[name] = { name, items: [] };
        // add the items to the named group based on the name
      return Object.values(groups);
    const transformedArray = groupItemsByName(inputArray);

    using reduce and Object.values()

    function groupItemsByName(array) {
      //Object.values returns an objects values as an array  
      return Object.values(
        array.reduce((groups, obj) => {
          // destructure as in the forEach method
          const { name, } = obj;
          // create the groups like in the previous method
          groups[name] = groups[name] || { name, items: [] };
          // push the items to the group based on the name
          return groups;
        }, {})
    const transformedArray = groupItemsByName(inputArray);

    using map and reduce

    const transformedArray = Array.from(
      inputArray.reduce((map, obj) => {
        const { name, } = obj;
        const existing = map.get(name) || { name, items: [] };
        return map.set(name, existing);
      }, new Map()).values()

