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How do I change the cursor of a control in a Python FMX GUI App?

I've created an FMX GUI App and I have several components on the form. I'd like to change the default Cursor for them, but I'm not sure how.

I've tried doing the following code to change the Cursor on my Memo:

self.Memo1.Cursor = "crNo"

But self.Memo1.Cursor = "crNo" doesn't work. I get Error: Invalid class typecast

What is the correct way to change the Cursor of a component?


  • So, I've discovered how to do it. I just needed to take out the quotes ("). This works:

    self.Memo1.Cursor = crNo

    You can also use the integer value for it like @5eb mentioned and that works too:

    self.Memo1.Cursor = -18