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Generate counts of users per payments given payments per user

I have the following sample data:

product payments instances
Professional 3 1
Professional 4 1
Starter 1 29
Starter 2 8
Starter 3 4
Team 1 1
Team 2 2


  • "instances" stands for users
  • "product" stands for made plans
  • "payments" are just occurred payments

I need to transform this from a count of users who have made X payments to the amount of users that made X payments.

Expected result:

product payments instances
Professional 1 2
Professional 2 2
Professional 3 2
Professional 4 1
Starter 1 41
Starter 2 12
Starter 3 4
Starter 4 0
Team 1 3
Team 2 2
Team 3 0
Team 4 0

The difference is that now, users who have made (for example) 2 payments are also counted within the number of users who have made one payment. Because logically, if you've made 2 payments, you've also made at least one payment.

Here's where I'm at:

with pay_counts as (
plan_pay_counts as (
        count(plan) as number_of_users
    group by
        plan, payments
i as (
        generate_series(1,max(payments)) as payments
select * from plan_pay_counts
order by plan, payments;

In theory, i will be the column expressing the number of payments.


  • An optional way of approaching this problem is by:

    • selecting unique products
    • generating series of possible amounts for payments
    • left-joining the combination of products and payments, with your original table, on matching products and payments
    • computing a reversed running sum of instances, from the highest payment to the lowest, for each product partition
    WITH products AS (
        SELECT DISTINCT product FROM tab
    ), payments AS (
        SELECT payment
        FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1, (SELECT MAX(payments) FROM tab)) AS payment 
    SELECT p1.product,
           COALESCE(SUM(tab.instances) OVER(PARTITION BY p1.product 
                                            ORDER     BY p2.payment DESC), 0) AS instances
    FROM       products p1
    CROSS JOIN payments p2
    LEFT JOIN tab 
           ON p1.product = tab.product 
          AND p2.payment = tab.payments
    ORDER BY product, payment


    product payment instances
    Professional 1 2
    Professional 2 2
    Professional 3 2
    Professional 4 1
    Starter 1 41
    Starter 2 12
    Starter 3 4
    Starter 4 0
    Team 1 3
    Team 2 2
    Team 3 0
    Team 4 0

    Check the demo here.