Is there any way to inject a SQL hint into ActiveRecord sql query before execution? Like adding a comment before the SQL (/* query id */ SELECT ...
This can be done by manipulating yii\db\Command with a raw SQL, but how to do that with ActiveRecord?
Something like this would be perfect:
Model::find()->withComment('query id')
Create CustomActiveRecord class
class CustomActiveRecord \yii\db\ActiveQuery {
public function all($db = null, $comment = null)
if ($this->emulateExecution) {
return [];
$command = $this->createCommand($db, $comment);
$rows = $command->queryAll();
return $this->populate($rows);
} public function one($db = null, $comment = null)
if ($this->emulateExecution) {
return false;
$command = $this->createCommand($db, $comment);
$row = $command->queryOne();
if ($row !== false) {
$models = $this->populate([$row]);
return reset($models) ?: null;
return null;
public function createCommand($db = null, $comment = null)
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
if ($db === null) {
$db = $modelClass::getDb();
if ($this->sql === null) {
list($sql, $params) = $db->getQueryBuilder()->build($this);
} else {
$sql = $this->sql;
$params = $this->params;
if ($comment) {
$comment = str_replace(['/*', '*/'], '', $comment);
$sql = "/*$comment*/ " . $sql;
$command = $db->createCommand($sql, $params);
return $command;
Your model
class User extends CustomActiveRecord {
and use
User::find()->all(comment: "CMMNT")