Sums in invoice are always two decimals after comma. Decimal point may be comma or point. Number may contain single space as thousands separator. Optionally they numbers may start with - sign.
Subtotal, 1 000.00 EUR
VAT 1000,00
Total, sum: _343 444.45 EUR
Results should be
1 000.00
343 444.45
Which is C# .NET RexExp pattern for this. There are lot of similar questions but havent found excatly same. Using .NET 7 ASP.NET MVC.
Answer in Regex valid numbers with thousand separator assumes that every number is in sepearate line.
-?[0-9]{1,3}(?: ?[0-9]{3})*[.,][0-9]{2}
- optional -
- one to three digits. Block of digits before first thousands separator,(?: ?[0-9]{3})*
- optional space and block of three digit repeated any number of times,[.,]
- dot or comma: decimal separator,[0-9]{2}
- two digits: decimal part.Demo here.