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Get part of the Filename with windows bat file and merge multiple PDFs with GhostScript

I need to group multiple PDFs with the same order number (which is shown in the PDF filenames) into a new PDF. The new grouped PDF should have a new name= only the order number. The best solution is using a Windows bat file and GhostScript.

I have written a script, but it doesn't work, and I can't figure out why. The bat file "grouping.bat" is in the same folder as the PDFs.

@echo off
rem Set the output directory
set "outputdir=%~dp0"
rem Get the current directory where the batch file is located
set "inputfolder=%~dp0"
rem Loop through the PDF files in the input folder
for %%F in ("%inputfolder%\*.pdf") do (
    rem Extract the file name without extension
    set "filename=%%~nF"
    rem Get characters from position 16 to 22 of the file name
    set "characters=!filename:~15,7!"
    rem Set the output file path
    set "outputfile=%outputdir%\%characters%.pdf"
    gswin64c -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="%outputfile%" "%%F""

echo PDF files combined successfully.


Somehow it doesn't get the part of the file name. Can you guys help me find out why the code is not working?


  • Ghostscript is installed on the win10 computer and settings in the environment (PATH) are working well.
  • The PDF file names are structured as follows: "RAWRenderingDoc-976866-84.pdf".


  • As a Programming issue in the Days of DOS this Windows OS limitation is just as much a problem as then.

    It was common in 1980s DOS to cycle bat files by recursion to bypass such problems, so this is perhaps dirty by todays standards but old school modernised so feel free to update my attempt. IT WORKS given the OP parameters, but is spaghetti hoops so see lower

    Do not use this at home.bat simple modification to show poorly how it may have been done avoiding expansion problems by total recall (where arguments could have negated the delay expansion issues)

    :@echo off
    if %1. equ ReCurse. goto recurse
    rem Get the current directory where the batch file is located
    set "inputfolder=%~dp0"
    rem Set the output directory
    set "outputdir=%~dp0"
    goto main
    echo Looping through the PDF files in the input folder...
    set "_#1=%~2"
    set "_#2=%_#1:~15,7%"
    echo "%~2.pdf" >>"%inputfolder%\%_#2%.txt"
    goto eof
    del "%outputdir%-*.txt
    echo Collating lists
    for %%F in ("%inputfolder%RAW*.pdf") do call %~0 ReCurse "%%~nF"
    echo Merging lists
    for %%F in ("%inputfolder%-*.txt") do "gswin64c.exe" -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o "%%~dpnF.pdf" "@%%F"
    echo PDF files combined successfully.

    Modern cleaner one line method

    @echo off & Title "Newly printed PDF groups"
    REM Combining is Never "Merging 100%" which needs a considerably more complex editor to renumber some internal PDF objects
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    set "GSexe=C:\Apps\PDF\GS\gs10011w64\bin\gswin64c.exe"
        REM Get the input set in this case where the batch file is located (beware %~dp0 has trailing \)
    set "inSet=%~dp0RAW*.pdf"
        REM Set the output directory as can be different (beware trailing \)
    set "outputdir=%~dp0"
        REM Get characters from position 16 to 22 of the file name without extension
        REM txt files will in this case be seven chars from above as -######.lst !!!
        REM clear any previous run or potential temporary rogue file
    if exist "%temp%\-*.lst" del "%temp%\-*.lst"
    echo Looping through the PDF files in the input folder...
      for %%F in ("%inSet%") do (
        set "filename=%%~nF"
        set "characters=!filename:~15,7!"
        echo "%%F" >>"%temp%\!characters!.lst"
    echo Generating new collectives from lists
      for %%F in ("%temp%\-*.lst") do ("%GSexe%" -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o "%outputdir%%%~nF.pdf" "@%%F")
    echo PDF files combined successfully.
    del "%temp%\-*.lst"