I am trying to create a repository in Artifact registry of GCP using Python API by following below link.
Below is the code I am using.
from google.cloud import artifactregistry_v1
def sample_create_repository():
# Create a client
print("Testing the code")
client = artifactregistry_v1.ArtifactRegistryClient.from_service_account_file(filename='<path_to_sa.json>')
# Initialize request argument(s)
request = artifactregistry_v1.CreateRepositoryRequest(parent="projects/p1/locations/us",repository={'name':'projects/p1/locations/us/repositories/testrepo','format_':'DOCKER'})
# Make the request
operation = client.create_repository(request=request)
print("Waiting for operation to complete...")
response = operation.result()
# Handle the response
I am getting below error for this code, Can anyone from the community suggest the correct format here,
raise exceptions.from_grpc_error(exc) from exc
google.api_core.exceptions.InvalidArgument: 400 invalid repository: generic::unknown: invalid repository name: "projects/p1/locations/us/repositories/": invalid repository name: projects/p1/locations/us/repositories/
parent format I have taken this doc as reference - https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry/docs/reference/rest
repository format I have taken this doc as reference - https://cloud.google.com/python/docs/reference/artifactregistry/latest/google.cloud.artifactregistry_v1.types.Repository
You need to provide the repository id in the CreateRepositoryRequest itself. Repository.Name is ignored for Create. (Most Google apis will behave similarly, see https://google.aip.dev/133#user-specified-ids)