I am going through a json file and extracing "name" and "id" field. I need to form a data dictionary and store "name" and "id" fields in data dictionary called my_dict
report=("'name':{}, 'id':{}.format(content['name',content['id']
'name': report1, 'id':1
I need to create and data dictionary and update the dictory with report values
I tried this:
I am getting this error:
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has lenght1, 2 is required
Create a dictionary and update the dictionary with the report values:
contents = [{'name': 'Ted', 'id': 1}, {'name': 'Fred', 'id': 2}]
# empty dict
my_dict = {}
# loop through contents and add to dict
for content in contents:
name = content['name']
id_value = content['id']
my_dict[name] = id_value
{'Ted': 1, 'Fred': 2}