I currently have been using the following script to get NTFS Permissions. The issue is that when it comes to larger shares, it is very RAM intensive.
# Root Share or Root path
$RootShare = '<\\Share>'
# Gathering files and Directories
$Tree = Get-ChildItem -Path $RootShare -Recurse
# Gathering NTFS permissions for the RootShare
$NTFS = Get-NTFSAccess -Path $RootShare
# Adding Files and SubDirectories NTFS Permissions
$NTFS += foreach ($Item in $Tree)
#excluseInherited for a concise report
Get-NTFSAccess -Path $Item.FullName #-ExcludeInherited #or -ExcludeExplicit
# Export result to a file
$NTFS | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\File.csv' -NoTypeInformation
The issue is regarding larger shares, this is very RAM intensive. I have tried other methods such as appending ACL's to a CSV but I usually run into the same issue. This is because of $NTFS += foreach ($Item in $Tree)
as I believe it just adds to the variable, and will not export until it has recursively finished.
Use the pipeline consequently and avoid temporary variables to keep memory footprint low. As an added benefit, the code becomes more concise.
# Root Share or Root path
$RootShare = '<\\Share>'
# Start a scriptblock to group commands which are piped to Export-Csv
& {
# Gathering NTFS permissions for the RootShare.
# -> becomes implict output of the scriptblock
Get-NTFSAccess -Path $RootShare
# Gathering files and Directories. By piping Get-ChildItem
# to Get-NTFSAccess we save another temporary variable.
# -> becomes implict output of the scriptblock
Get-ChildItem -Path $RootShare -Recurse |
Get-NTFSAccess #-ExcludeInherited #or -ExcludeExplicit
} | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\File.csv' -NoTypeInformation
# Here we are piping the output of the scriptblock to Export-Csv