I'm running the following code to get consecutive days of price up/down for several tickers
f <- function(symbol, dataStartDate = as.Date("2020-04-01")) {
consecutiveTruesExtractor <- function(data){
genNumOfConsecutiveTrues <- function(x, y) { (x+y)*y } #Y is either 0 or 1
upDaysCount <- Reduce( genNumOfConsecutiveTrues, data, accumulate=TRUE)
upDaysCount <- as.vector(Lag(upDaysCount))
upDaysCount[is.na(upDaysCount)] <- 0
downDaysCount <- Reduce( genNumOfConsecutiveTrues, !data, accumulate=TRUE)
downDaysCount <- as.vector(Lag(downDaysCount))
downDaysCount[is.na(downDaysCount)] <- 0
consecutiveTruesExtractor <- upDaysCount-downDaysCount
symbolData <- new.env() #Make a new environment for quantmod to store data in
getSymbols(symbol, env = symbolData, src = "yahoo", from = dataStartDate)
mktdata <- eval( parse(text = paste("symbolData$", sub("^", "", symbol, fixed=TRUE))))
opClRet <- (Cl(mktdata)/Op(mktdata))-1
consecutiveDir <- consecutiveTruesExtractor(as.matrix(opClRet>0))
completeData<- cbind(opClRet,consecutiveDir)
colnames(completeData) <- c("OpClRet","ConsecutiveDir")
mktdata$Consecutive <- completeData$ConsecutiveDir
Symbols <- c("AMD","A","AAL","ABBV","ABT","ACAD","ADBE")
L <- Map(f, Symbols)
At the end of the code, I have created last_row_values xts object to get only the last line of list L.
Now, I'd like to get the stock names filtered by a value of the column "Consecutive".
For example, Which tickers have a value of "2" in the "Consecutive" column of last_row_values?
The desired result is to get names of the tickers with an specific value in the column "Consecutive"
You can use purrr::map_lgl
to create a vector with the condition result, then get the names of the vector where the condition passed:
purrr::map_lgl(last_row_values, ~.x$Consecutive == 2) %>% {names(.)[.]}
Obs: you'll need the magrittr pipe %>%
for this