I am trying to find a way to take multiple customer names from an excel sheet to be used in WHERE clause so that I can track the order for those customers! eg:
Customer_Name | Quantity | Total purchase price
ABC | 100 | 500
XYZ | 200 | 1000
DEF | 300 | 1500
Now, I am using an excel file, from which I am getting data from SQL Server and writing a SQL query to filter out the data I need(original data is very big to load). Now I want to take multiple customer name from a col which is in a different worksheet in the same workbook in excel, which can change depending upon the customers name entered by the user!
SELECT Customer_Name, Quantity, Total Purchase Price
WHERE Customer_Name='ABC'
OR Customer_Name='XYZ'
OR (and so on);
It works for each Customer when I put it manually but I want it to be dynamic. If someone puts 1000 customer names for example, it takes the input from those columns in the query. I know a bit of VBA(have worked on small projects), so if I can do it easily from a simple VBA code, I am all ears!
Thank you, I am new, please let me know if I can explain it better.
Best regards
I recommend building a comma separated string with the customer names and using a WHERE IN ()
The following code assumes the customer names are in column A. Furthermore a column header is assumed. Start the For
loop at i = 1
to include the first row.
Sub GetCustomerNames()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim s As String
Dim sSql As String
lastRow = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
For i = 2 To lastRow
s = s & "'" & Cells(i, "A") & "',"
Next i
If Len(s) > 0 Then s = Left$(s, Len(s) - 1) 'remove last '
sSql = "SELECT Customer_Name, Quantity, Total_Purchase_Price FROM TABLE1 WHERE Customer_Name IN (" & s & ")"
Debug.Print sSql
End Sub
SELECT Customer_Name, Quantity, Total_Purchase_Price FROM TABLE1 WHERE Customer_Name IN ('ABC','XYZ','DEF')