Currently I'm writing unit tests for a spring boot application using Junit and Mockito. The problem I've encountered recently is that we have a RestController class which has some fields.
some of the fields are injected thorough Constructor and can be mocked.
but I have a private field which is not initialize using constructor and can be initialize only using setter method.
let's have a look at the code :
public class DirectoryController {
private final DirectoryService service;
private ScheduledFuture future;
public ScheduledFuture getFuture() {
return future;
public void setFuture(ScheduledFuture future) {
this.future = future;
public DirectoryController (DirectoryService service) {
this.service = service;
@GetMapping(value = "/sync")
public String sync(){
if(getFuture() == null) throw new RuntimeException();
// do some work
Here "ScheduledFuture future" should be initilize using its setter method. Now, I Cannot write a proper WebMvcTest for a sync() in this class(in which we use future field). because future is null and the method will throw an exception unless I initilize it somehow.
but I don't know how to do that.
Any help will be appreciated.
Nothing stops you from calling the setter manually.
Let's assume you have a test like the following:
class YourTest{
private MockMvc mockMvc;
void testSync() throws Exception{
//some other checks
You can just autowire the controller, create your mock object and then call the setter before making the request:
class YourTest{
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private DirectoryController directoryController;//controller is autowired
void testSync() throws Exception{
ScheduledFuture future = createYourMockObject();
//some other checks