Search code examples

Does the adjoin Operation in SBCL Always Involve a Search?

The Common Lisp Hyperspec gives the following equivalence for the adjoin function on a set:

(adjoin item list :key fn)
   ==  (if (member (fn item) list :key fn) list (cons item list))

But does this mean an implementation, in particular SBCL, necessarily searches the corresponding list for the item? I'm wondering about simply using adjoin as a test for set membership, but only if the implementation automatically represents certain sets efficiently as a hashtable, bit vector, etc, allowing lookup instead of search.

(if (eq (adjoin item set) set)

I have the same question about how alexandria:setp is implemented. Of course, the other option is to appropriately represent the set myself, but I'd like to take advantage of the internal SBCL or alexandria optimizations if feasible.


  • It is easy to verify by suitable use of meta-. that neither SBCL's adjoin nor alexandria's setp do any deep magic. As Barmar points out in a comment it's almost inconceivable that they should.

    However if you want a test for set membership of sets represented as lists, there is one: it's called member. It, also, won't do any magic.