I am trying to use the AZ Form Recognizer API from the Link Here and I am unable to do the following -
Attach PDF's in the testing console. How can we do this?
I tried the same API from Postman and attached the PDF for the sake of moving on and now I expected the result to have some 'result ID' that I can use later in my call to API - Analyze result.
The documents here are not indicative of where the result id should be gathered from.
This API Link1 does not support attaching PDF file even if you select application/pdf, Refer below:-
For application/json urlSource: "string" for request body paramater is present:-
But for application/pdf there's no request body parameter present:-
So In order to Analyze Invoice with PDF with the above link, Use application/json and enter your invoice github link and the call will be successful you will also receive result ID in the output, Refer below:-
API LINK2 of Analyze Document:-
As my Form recognizer resource is in Australia I have selected Australia as a region from this API Link3 and entered the parameters like below:-
Name- australiaeast.api.cognitive.microsoft.com
Query paramaters
modelId prebuilt invoice
Content-Type application/json
Ocp-Apim-subscription-Key <your API key>
Request body
"urlSource": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-REST-api-samples/master/curl/form-recognizer/sample-invoice.pdf"
HTTP Request:-
POST https://australiaeast.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/formrecognizer/documentModels/prebuilt-invoice:analyze?api-version=2022-08-31 HTTP/1.1
Host: australiaeast.api.cognitive.microsoft.com
Content-Type: application/json
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
"urlSource": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-REST-api-samples/master/curl/form-recognizer/sample-invoice.pdf"
Operation-Location: https://australiaeast.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/formrecognizer/documentModels/prebuilt-invoice/analyzeResults/3305e6d3-2207-4727-8ffa-b04bb536c344?api-version=2022-08-31
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 455
apim-request-id: 3305e6d3-2207-4727-8ffa-b04bb536c344
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-ms-region: Australia East
Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 05:50:28 GMT
Content-Length: 0
In the above response:- 3305e6d3-2207-4727-8ffa-b04bb536c344 is the Result ID as given in this Rest API
Now you can call the GetAnalyze Result API from this link.
You can add the PDF file in postman request body form-data and call this API Refer below:-
POST https://australiaeast.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/formrecognizer/v2.0/prebuilt/receipt/analyze
Source <file>