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C# Switch with String.IsNullOrEmpty

Is it possible to have a switch in C# which checks if the value is null or empty not "" but String.Empty? I know i can do this:

switch (text)
    case null:
    case "":

Is there something better, because I don't want to have a large list of IF statements?

I'mm trying to replace:

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
else if (text = "hi")


  • You can use pattern matching to test for string length (or other things). This code was tested in .NET 6 and .NET 7.

    // Program.cs
    Console.WriteLine(PatternMatch("Hello world!"));
    Console.WriteLine(PatternMatch("99 bottles of beer on the wall"));
    string PatternMatch(string str)
        switch (str)
            case null: return "String is null";
            case "": return "String is empty";
            case var blah when str.StartsWith("Blah"): return "Blerg";
            case var match when Regex.IsMatch(match, @"\d\d.*"): return "Starts with 2 digits";
            case { Length: > 0 }: return str;
            default: return "We should never get here";

    The output should be:

    String is null
    String is empty
    Hello world!
    Starts with 2 digits

    You can do the same thing using switch expressions too.

    string PatternMatch2(string str) => str switch
        null => "String is null",
        "" => "String is empty",
        var blah when str.StartsWith("Blah") => "Blerg",
        var match when Regex.IsMatch(match, @"\d\d.*") => "Starts with 2 digits",
        { Length: > 0 } => str,
        _ => "We should never get here"