I have a pandas dataframe with a bunch of strings. Some of the strings contain a caret (ie. a ^ symbol).
I am trying to remove them using this:
df['text'] = df[df['text'].str.contains('^') == False]
I don't get an error but it is finding a caret in every row which is not correct. Is there something special about that symbol?
Per the comments, you must escape the caret or disable the default regex processing:
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'text':['abc','d^e','fgh']})
>>> df
0 abc
1 d^e
2 fgh
>>> df[df.text.str.contains('^', regex=False) == False]
0 abc
2 fgh
>>> df[df.text.str.contains('\^') == False]
0 abc
2 fgh
Note, while df.text.str.contains('\^') == False
works, it's customary to invert the Boolean with ~