Search code examples

Execution time of each query

In column y I want to return query serial number. I know that it's not right, but I have no idea how can I do this.

MATCH (a:authors{name:"Lui Lis"})-[:`WROTE`]->(b:papers)-[:`REFERS_TO`]->(c:fieldsofstudy)
RETURN AS field_of_study, count(b) AS number_of_papers
' AS query
WITH i, query, datetime.realtime().epochMillis AS start
CALL apoc.cypher.doIt(query, NULL) YIELD value
WITH i, MAX(datetime.realtime().epochMillis-start) AS execTime
WITH collect(execTime) AS per_query_time, AVG(execTime) AS avg_time
UNWIND per_query_time AS x
RETURN x, RANGE(0, 4) AS y, avg_time

Can you please help me


  • It's not clear what you mean by a "serial number".

    If you want y to be the same as i, this query should work:

    WITH '
      MATCH (a:authors{name:"Lui Lis"})-[:`WROTE`]->(b:papers)-[:`REFERS_TO`]->(c:fieldsofstudy)
      RETURN AS field_of_study, count(b) AS number_of_papers
    ' AS query
    UNWIND RANGE(0, 4) AS i
    WITH i, query, datetime.realtime().epochMillis AS start
    CALL apoc.cypher.doIt(query, NULL) YIELD value
    WITH i, MAX(datetime.realtime().epochMillis-start) AS execTime
    WITH COLLECT({x: execTime, y: i}) AS per_query_times, AVG(execTime) AS avg_time
    UNWIND per_query_times AS z
    RETURN z.x AS x, z.y AS y, avg_time

    If you want y to be the index of each query time (across all i values), replace the last 3 lines of the above query with:

    WITH COLLECT(execTime) AS per_query_times, AVG(execTime) AS avg_time
    UNWIND RANGE(0, SIZE(per_query_times)-1) AS y
    RETURN per_query_times[y] AS x, y, avg_time