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Count bars lower since new highest high

What I am trying to accomplish is a Pine Script that count how many bars back are inferior to the new highest high since an eventual break-out.


len = input(20)
threshold = 0.01
upper = ta.highest(high, len)
u = ta.barssince(close > (upper+threshold))

enter image description here


  • You can do something like this. You may want to add a variable that if a new high isn't reached after a certain number of days to just take the most recent high in case a stock is well off it's previous highs.

    indicator("My script", overlay = true)
    var float highest = 0.0
    var int highIndex = 0
    var barsincehigh = 0 
    if close > highest 
        highest := high
        highIndex := bar_index
        barsincehigh := 0
        barsincehigh += 1 
    if highest > highest[1] and barsincehigh[1] > 1, high, str.tostring(barsincehigh[1]), color = color.lime)

    Barsince High in lables