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Cannot run `op` from Go application

I am trying to write a small Go wrapper application around the 1Password CLI executable op like so:

package main

import (

func main() {
    op := exec.Command("op", "item", "list")
    out, err := op.Output()
    if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
        log.Fatal(e, ": ", string(e.Stderr))

However, I keep getting the following error:

2023/04/13 09:48:51 exit status 1: [ERROR] 2023/04/13 09:48:51 error initializing client: connecting to desktop app: read: connection reset, make sure the CLI is correctly installed and Connect with 1Password CLI is enabled in the 1Password app

But when I do the same thing from a Python script like so:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import subprocess["op", "item", "list"])

...I get the output just fine.

Interestingly enough though, when I call the Python script (named from the Go app, it works fine (modified Go app shown below):

package main

import (

func main() {
    op := exec.Command("/usr/bin/python3.11", "./")
    //op := exec.Command("op", "item", "list")
    out, err := op.Output()
    if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
        log.Fatal(e, ": ", string(e.Stderr))

I can test that it is being printed by the Go app and not by the Python script because if I remove the fmt.Printf(...), nothing gets printed.

So to summarize:

  • Go -> op: does not work
  • Python (./ -> op: works fine
  • Go -> Python (./ -> op: works fine


  • I had the same problem accessing op from a pyenv virtual environment. I figured that the problem is that the pyenv's python executable is owned by the user (me). Changing the ownership to root:root of the python interpreter and the directory that it lives in actually helped. Not sure what is going on behind the scenes.

    Here are the steps (I use the --copies to create a virtual environment, so it is not using symlinks - as symlinks would point back to root owned files):

    $ python -m venv --copies .venv
    $ .venv/bin/python -c "import subprocess;['op', 'signin'])"
    [ERROR] 2023/05/16 16:01:18 connecting to desktop app: read: connection reset, make sure the CLI is correctly installed and Connect with 1Password CLI is enabled in the 1Password app
    # chown -R root:root .venv/
    $ .venv/bin/python -c "import subprocess;['op', 'signin'])"
     Select account  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]

    Bottomline: Change the ownership of your executable (and directory it lives in) that spawns the op subprocess to root:root

    Also please see this thread on 1Password that look like the same issue: