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Set table borders in Google Document with Google Script App

I am trying to alter table borders with Google Script App (and Google API). I based my code on this post here, but without success.

I am getting these two errors:

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'body') Invalid requests[0].updateTableCellStyle: The provided table start location is invalid.

Could you help me?

function susbstituirTabela (docID, arrayTabela, texttofind){
    const doc = DocumentApp.openById(docID);
    var body = doc.getBody();
    var rgel = body.findText(texttofind);
    var element = rgel.getElement();
    var childIndex = body.getChildIndex(element.getParent());
    var arrayFinal = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < arrayTabela.length; i++) {
      let t = [];
      if (i == 0) {
      } else {
        if (arrayTabela[i].vencimento != "") {
        t.push(arrayTabela[i].parcela.toLocaleString('pt-BR', { style: 'currency', currency: 'BRL' }));
        t.push(arrayTabela[i].saldo.toLocaleString('pt-BR', { style: 'currency', currency: 'BRL' }));

    var tab = body.insertTable(childIndex,arrayFinal);
    tab.setColumnWidth(0, 60);
    tab.setColumnWidth(1, 30);
    tab.setColumnWidth(2, 80);
    tab.setColumnWidth(3, 100);

    var table = body.getTables()[0]; // Please set your table.
    var index = body.getChildIndex(table);
    var tableIndex = Docs.Documents.doc.body.content[index + 1].startIndex;
    var requests = [{ updateTableCellStyle: { tableCellStyle: { borderRight: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } }, borderLeft: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } } }, tableStartLocation: { tableIndex }, fields: "borderRight,borderLeft" } }];

    Docs.Documents.batchUpdate({ requests }, docID);


UPDATE Changed the code as follows and got the following error:

requests[0].update_table_cell_style.table_start_location': Cannot find field.

var tableIndex = Docs.Documents.get(docID).body.content[index + 1].startIndex;
var requests = [{ updateTableCellStyle: { tableCellStyle: { borderRight: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } }, borderLeft: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } } }, tableStartLocation: { tableIndex }, fields: "borderRight,borderLeft" } }];

Docs.Documents.batchUpdate({ requests }, docID);


  • Modification points:

    • About var tableIndex = Docs.Documents.doc.body.content[index + 1].startIndex;, I think that Docs.Documents has no property of doc.

    • About the following change, in this case, there is no property of tableIndex. By this, an error like requests[0].update_table_cell_style.table_start_location': Cannot find field. occurs.

      var tableIndex = Docs.Documents.get(docID).body.content[index + 1].startIndex;
      var requests = [{ updateTableCellStyle: { tableCellStyle: { borderRight: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } }, borderLeft: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } } }, tableStartLocation: { tableIndex }, fields: "borderRight,borderLeft" } }];
      Docs.Documents.batchUpdate({ requests }, docID);
    • I think that doc.saveAndClose() is required to be moved before Docs.Documents.get.

    When these points are reflected in your script, it becomes as follows.


    var table = body.getTables()[0]; // Please set your table.
    var index = body.getChildIndex(table);
    var tableIndex = Docs.Documents.doc.body.content[index + 1].startIndex;
    var requests = [{ updateTableCellStyle: { tableCellStyle: { borderRight: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } }, borderLeft: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } } }, tableStartLocation: { tableIndex }, fields: "borderRight,borderLeft" } }];
    Docs.Documents.batchUpdate({ requests }, docID);


    var table = body.getTables()[0];
    var index = Docs.Documents.get(docID).body.content[body.getChildIndex(table) + 1].startIndex;
    var requests = [{ updateTableCellStyle: { tableCellStyle: { borderRight: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } }, borderLeft: { dashStyle: "SOLID", width: { magnitude: 0, unit: "PT" }, color: { color: { rgbColor: { red: 0 } } } } }, tableStartLocation: { index }, fields: "borderRight,borderLeft" } }];
    Docs.Documents.batchUpdate({ requests }, docID);


    • In this modification, it supposes that your values of docID, arrayTabela, texttofind are valid values. Please be careful about this.
