I have multiple files very similar to each other, that I want to plot and fit in one diagramm. To be more precise: multiple curves with the same columns x:y in every file and to use only one fit for all the curves.
I tried for the fit to use "< cat" , "< awk" (this one I fully didn't understand it), "< type" but they are from quite old response and I tried them and they didn't work. For he plot instead I used "< join" but it also didn't work. Don't they work with the newest version of Gnuplot maybe ?
Here is a platform independent solution (gnuplot only).
You simply plot your files into a table (datablock) and do a fit on it.
I guess, there will also be another solution under Windows using "< type ..."
. I'm not sure which of the solutions would be better for large data.
-4 15.0
-3 8.5
-2 4.5
-1 1.3
0 0
1 0.9
2 2.2
3 8.7
4 15
5 24
6 37
7 50
### concatenate datafiles and do a fit
reset session
f(x) = a*x**2 + b*x + c
FILES = "SO76254599_1.dat SO76254599_2.dat SO76254599_3.dat"
set table $Data
plot for [FILE in FILES] FILE u 1:2 w table
unset table
fit f(x) $Data u 1:2 via a,b,c
set key top left
plot $Data u 1:2 w p pt 7 lc "blue", \
f(x) w l lc "red"
### enf of script
Final set of parameters Asymptotic Standard Error
======================= ==========================
a = 1.02475 +/- 0.02409 (2.351%)
b = -0.0186563 +/- 0.1031 (552.8%)
c = -0.564311 +/- 0.3619 (64.12%)
I guess the errors of b
and c
are that large because the values are close to zero.
If you have problems with subdirectories or paths under Windows, try to replace backslashes with foreslashes. And if your pathname contains spaces, put the pathname into quotes. For example:
FILES = "'Test/With Space/SO76254599_1.dat' 'Test/With Space/SO76254599_2.dat' 'Test/With Space/SO76254599_3.dat'"