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Error building esp-idf-template on Windows

I'm following the Rust on ESP guide here. No matter which parameters I pick when generating the template, I always get:

  ERROR: This script was called from a virtual environment, can not create a virtual environment again
  Error: Could not install esp-idf

  Caused by:
      command '"python" "C:\\test\\boop\\.embuild\\espressif\\esp-idf\\release-v5.0\\tools\\" "--idf-path" "C:\\test\\boop\\.embuild\\espressif\\esp-idf\\release-v5.0" "--non-interactive" "install-python-env"' exited with non-zero status code 1

Running the single-quoted command by itself gives the same error: ERROR: This script was called from a virtual environment, can not create a virtual environment again

What does this error mean and how might I fix this problem, or otherwise compile esp-idf-template?


  • Thanks to Nathaniel's comment, I found out that I had two installations of python:


    I deleted the platformio installation and was able to build esp-idf-template.