Search code examples

Android Material SearchBar UI issue

I'm trying to implement a Screen that has a material SearchBar.

I followed this documentation:

but I'm getting a warning over this line app:layout_behavior="@string/searchbar_scrolling_view_behavior" that's telling me searchbar_scrolling_view_behavior is marked as private in material:1.8.0 lib.

But the Material Components Doc. tells me that SearchBar is available starting from 1.8.0-alpha03 - link here

So when I'm using the app:layout_behavior="@string/searchbar_scrolling_view_behavior" then my RecyclerView gets placed behind the SearchBar like in the image bellow:

enter image description here

And when I change it to app:layout_behavior="@string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior" I get the right positioning of my RecyclerView but my SearchBar doesn't look as it should anymore.

enter image description here

How can I have a proper positioning of my RecyclerView and a normal display of SearchBar at the same time?


  • Was able to find a workaround on this by replacing CoordinatorLayout with ConstraintLayout and instead of hooking the searchView to the searchBar by using: app:layout_anchor="@id/search_bar" I've hooked them programmatically by calling:


    When I'm initializing the views within my Fragmentclass.