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Terraform :: how to use WHOAMI as a tag

We are using Terraform to manage our infrastructure.

One of the tags that we use is called updatedBy and it's supposed to show the e-mail of the person that updated that resource:

  tags = {
    "updatedBY" = ""

As you can imagine so many times people input the wrong e-mail.

Is there a way I can put that e-mail in a variable using:

  • WHOAMI: for Linux users
  • whoami /upn: for Windows users
  • git config for both

In my opinion git config should be the way to go because it's OS agnostic and all our Terraform engineers use Git.

But how to put that into a variable so they cannot be wrong again?


  • Use the AzureRM Client Config provider and the AADUser provider to update with the Deploying Users UPN

    data "azurerm_client_config" "current" {}
    data "azuread_user" "current_user" {
      object_id = data.azurerm_client_config.current.object_id
    resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
      name = var.resourceGroupName
      location = var.location
      tags = {
        "updatedBY" = data.azuread_user.current_user.user_principal_name