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is the Vuex mutation written correctly?

I wonder if the mutation method is written correctly and can modify the initial state array ? I'm not sure if the last lines of mutation method are written ok. Am I not missing anything ?

// Store 

state: {
  flights: [
    {trip_class: 0, number_of_change="1"},
    {trip_class: 1, number_of_change="2"},
    {trip_class: 1, number_of_change="1"}...
}           // expecting to filter the array

mutations: {
  setFilteredFlights: (state, data) => {
      // flight classes
      if (...) {
          (flight) =>
            flight.trip_class === data.selectedFlightClass ||
            flight.number_of_changes === data.selectedChanges
      //flight changes
      else if (...) {;                             // not sure about this line of code


  • flights is your main array that holds the flights objects. It would be much easier to just use a getter (or a couple of getters) to get your filtered data, without having to mutate the state.

    getters: {
      getFlightsByTripClass: (state) => (tripClass) => {
        return => flight.trip_class === tripClass);

    To use this getter in your Vue component, you can access it using this.$store.getters:

    computed: {
      filteredFlights() {
        return this.$store.getters.getFlightsByTripClass(1);

    Also, for good measure, make sure to follow the camel case convention for your variables. Use numberOfChange, instead of number_of_change.