I have an app with a nav bar and I have added react-router to app.js with routes to all the different components. I have use NavLink on all navigation buttons, so no reloads. Now, I want to add fade-in animation to a component when I mount it(press the navigation button for it)
I have no idea if it's even possible like this. I know of ways to make it work but then I have to change the entire navigation and also structure of the app.
That's definitely doable and shouldn't require changing the structure of your application at all! You'll just need to make use of CSS Animations.
For a quick example, using this CSS and adding className={'example-style'}
would give your component a fade-in animation lasting 3 seconds:
.example-style {
animation: fade-in 3s;
@keyframes fade-in {
from {
opacity: 0;
to {
opacity: 100;
To see it in action, check out this code sandbox.
Hope that helps!