Via Python, I am using Altair to plot bar graphs. I was able to move the legend to be at the top, however, it is adding ellipsis (i.e. "...") at the end of each legend because my strings are too long. Is there any work around this? I tried gradientlength
but it does not do the trick. Also, and as my strings are pretty long, would be possible to jump lines between each legend?
x=alt.X("fund:O", axis=alt.Axis(title=None, labels=False, ticks=False)),
y=alt.Y("value:Q", axis=alt.Axis(title="Percentage", grid=True)),
color=alt.Color("fund:N", legend=alt.Legend(orient="top")),
tooltip=["data point info:O", "fund:N", "value", "bucket"],
header=alt.Header(title=None, labelOrient="bottom", labelAngle=x_angle),
This is how it current looks like:
One example of the legends is:
Documentation is here -
Similar ish question - Changing Size of Legend in Altair
If you want to show the full legend label instead of truncating it with ...
you can set the labelLimit
parameter to a higher number. You might also want to check out labelOverlap
, labelPadding
, and direction
for the second part of your question regarding overlapping labels.