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How to use inherited xml:lang with Python?

According to the xml spec the language attribute xml:lang is inherited to children. But can I use that in any Python tools?

I found a related XPath question: Is there an easy way to get the implied xml:lang value for an element? That answer has a complex XPath:


But I cannot figure out how I can use that in ElementTree or lxml. (Beautiful Soup does not support XPath at all.)

We have a collection of multi-language documents like this, and would like to collect and count <important>-elements in different languages:

import lxml.etree as ET
# import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

data = '''
<doc xml:lang="la">
  <title>Lorem <important>ipsum</important></title>
  dolor <important>sit</important> amet.
<doc xml:lang="sv">
  <title xml:lang="la">Consectetur <important>adipiscing</important> elit</title>
  Viterligit warj allom them som <important>thetta breff</important> see.

root = ET.fromstring(data)

importants = {'la': [], 'sv': []}
for important in root.iter('important'):
    lang = important.attrib['{}lang']

If I put the xml:lang-attributes straight in the important-tags, it works.


  • lxml supports XPath 1.0. Replace the lang expression in the question with the following:

    lang = important.xpath("ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:lang][1]/@xml:lang")[0]

    Resulting output:

    {'la': ['ipsum', 'sit', 'adipiscing'], 'sv': ['thetta breff']}